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- Research this information on JN Lovvorn Jr. b 1837 d 1905.
Pension Claim of Mrs. Mary A. Lovvorn
Personally came J. P. Chandler, who is a citizen of Carroll County, Ga., and entitled to full credit, who being duly sworn by me says.
I have carefully read the affidavit of Ben Knott, have endorsed the facts testified to by him. In addition I will state that while I did not see John N. Lovvorn for several months after the War was over, when I did he was still unable for mary service and was always feeble in health to the day of his death. I have no doubt about his inability to return to his Company as he loved the Service and the Cause.
There was no better soldier than John N. Lovvorn. SS J. P. Chandler. Sworn this October 21st 1912.
Under Act of 1910
County: Carroll
Name: Mrs. Mary A. Lovvorn
Widow of John N. Lovvorn, Co. I, 44th Ala. Inf.
Note from Pension Office 11/21/1910. Applicant must get some witness who knows of the whereabouts of her husband from July 1863
to the surrender on April 9th, 1865. Acccount for him to the close of the war, stating where he was, as this witness does not know this. J. W. Lindsey
State of Georgia
Carroll County
Personally before me comes B. F. Knott who after being duly sworn, truly answers to make the following questions,
answers as follows:
1. What is your name and where do you reside? B. F. Knott, Whitesburg, Ga. #2
2. How long and since when have you known Mrs. Mary A. Lovvorn applicant? Never personally acquainted, Knew her from reputation for years.
3. How long and since when has she continuously resided in this State? Since 1865, 45 years
4. When and to whom was she married? About 1849 to J. N. Lovvorn. How do you know? By general reputation. They have been so regarded all the time.
5. How long and since when did you know Jno. N. Lovvorn her husband? For 48 years or more. Since 1862
6. When and where did John N. Lovvorn the husband of applicant die? Aug. 10, 1906, Carroll Co., Ga. Ap. is still his widow.
7. Were the applicant and her husband living together as husband and wife at the date of his death? Yes
8. If not, how long did them live apart before his death? Were they divorced? No
9. When, where and in what Company and Regiment did John N. Lovvorn enlist? In March 1862 at Bowdon, Ga., in Co. I, 44th Ala. Inf.
There was no better soldier in the warn than Jno. L. Lovvorn
10. Were you a member of the same Company? I was
11. How long within your personal knowledge did he perform actual military service with his company and regiment.
About 3 years, Until April 9, 1865
12. When and where did his command surrender, and was discharged? At Appomattox, Apr. 9, 1865
13. Were you personally present when it was surrendered? I was . If not where were you... , and how came you there?
14. Was the husband of applicant personally present at surrender? He was not . If not where was he? He was carried to Field Hospital from Gettysburg When, where and for what cause did he leave command? (Give date) July 1863 Sevy wounded in leg at Gettysburg. By whose authority did he leave his command? Was sent to hospital by officers & Surgeons of the hospital. and how long was he granted leave? Was in hospital . How do you know all this? I was with him when he was wounded and all the time from his enlistment till he was wounded at Gettysburg, and know that he was severely wounded and rendered absolutely unfit for service & his absence was considered honorable.
15. For what cause, if you know of your own knowledge, was he prevented from returning to his Command? Was never able. the severe wound in his leg disabled him.
16. What effort did he make to return to his Command and how do you know this? Of your own knowledge or how? None. He was never able.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of October. 1917. M. J. Millican, Ordinary, of Carroll Co.
Carroll County
Personally before me comes H. M. Reid, Jr., and W. R. Thomas who on oath says that they are free holders residing in said County and we know Mrs. Mary A. Lovvorn the applicant for pension and we know the property that is now in the use, possession and control of himself and wife and of cash value to wit: None
1. What property, if any, has been sold or given away by the applicant or his wife since 4 Nov. None
Application for Pension by a Widow Under Act of 1910...Questions for Applicant
Carroll County
Personally before me comes Mrs. Mary A. Lovvorn of said State and County and after being duly sworn, on oath says that she desires to apply for a pension allowed under the Act of ---1910, and submit testimony to make out the same true ans makes to the following questions to-wit:
1. What is your name, and where do you reside? Mary A. Lovvorn, Dot, Ga., Carroll Co., GA
2. How long and since when have you been a continuing resident of the State of Georgia....45 years, since 1865
3. When, where and to whom were you married? ____ day of _____ 18 , Henry Co., Ga. to John N. Lovvorn, Could not find License.
4. When, where and in what Company and Regiment did your husband enlist as a soldier in the Confederate Army
or Georgia Militia? (State the arms and class of Service) Co. "I" 44th Ala. Inf. in March 1862, at Bowdon, Ga.
5. When and where did the Command of your husband surrender or discharge him from the army? At Appomattox, Apr. 9, 1865
6 Was your husband personally present at the time of the surrender or discharge of this Command? No
7. If he was not present state clearly where he was? I am informed he was in hospital badly wounded
8. Where was his command when he left? Gettysburg
a. For what cause did he leave his command? was wounded
b. By whose authority did he leave his company? " " "
c. For how long was he granted leave of absence?
d. What was his physical condition when he left his Command? Was severely wounded
f. What effort did he make to return to his Command? None, was never able
g. In what way was he prevented from going back to Command? Was never able
h. Was he captured by the enemy at any time? No
i. If so, when and where captured and where held prisoner, and when and for what cause released? Captured at Vicksburg, Miss.
do not know how long
j. When and where did your husband die? Aug. 10, 1905, Carroll Co., GA.
k. Were you residing together when he died? Yes
l. If not, how long had you resided apart?
9. What property of any description did you own, hold control for your use and its cash value Nov. 4, 1908? Not any at all
10. What property of any kind have you sold or given away since Nov. 4, 1908? What was received for it and what did you do with the proceeds thereof? None at all
11. What property of any description of any value have you now?
12. What are your annual earnings or income from any source and their value? None. Am wholly dependent upon my son for support.
13. Have you or your husband heretofore been paid a pension by the state? No
If so, when and for what cause were your or your husband placed on the Roll? Never was on the roll.
Sworn this the 11th day of Oct. 1910, W. J. Millican.
[Note by Transcriber: Buried at Midway Community Church LOVVORN, JOHN N.M, Born Sep. 24, 1837; died Aug 10, 1905 John N, Lovvorn, Founder of Midway Church 1878 LOVVORN, MARY ANN, Born May 14, 1834; died Dec 13, 1915
Letter dated June 2, 1930
Hon. E. T. Steed
Ordinary, Carroll County,
Carrollton, Ga.
My dear Judge:
I return herewith, approved, application filed by Mrs. Nancy Lyle for the SECOND QUARTER pension of her deceased husband, J. D. LYLE, and this is your authority to pay to her the $25.00 in your possession as the first half of the Second Quarter payment
You will kindly list the name of J. D. Lyle on your roll for the second half of the Second Quarter payment also, same to be paid to his widow on this application. Mrs. Nancy Lyle's application for a pension in her own right has been approved for the Third Quarter and you may place her name on your roll to receive a pension beginning with this quarter.
Yours very truly, R. deT. Lawrence, Commissioner of Pensions
[Transcribers note: No other documents included in this file]"